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Saturday, February 6, 2016

Tribute To A Hero - Laura Simpson

   Just when I had given up on humanity I met a living angel.


This woman not only saved the lives of our animals from starvation,
but those of thousands of animals around the planet.
For the last 6 years she has fed rescued farm animals at Love Animal Sanctuary
and has committed herself despite the fact that she no funds except for
monthly donations to Harmony Fund USA

This woman is a hero for animals and an inspiration for us all to keep believing
in divine intervention when we pray for it and then when we need it the most, it comes.
Here she is, last week, in the snow looking out for the hungry cats in her neighborhood.
Her goal is to help a million animals around the world.
Can you be one to help her?
If you are someone who wishes you could do more for animals but are unsure of where your donations would really go when they are sent to large organizations who have high admin costs,
then donating to Harmony Fund would ensure 86% of your money going straight in the horses mouth, so to speak, as Harmony Fund USA is operated entirely by volunteers Laura and her friend Jenny Desmond. These two ladies are dynamos who get the job done.

Please share my message about this special angel who deserves all the support possible to continue to eliminate the suffering of more animals worldwide.

When no one else cared - Laura did!
But can you imagine how hard it is for Laura when there are too many requests,
many monthly calls for help and not enough in the coffer. Who does she say no to?
Who gets to eat and who doesn't?

 I know it breaks her heart to have to say no.
   Help Laura say YES by making a donation today.

Hero for the Underdog