In the last few days I've been asked by a few people; If I get involved with Chomrom Baan Rak Sat, does that mean I have to become a vegetarian?
What I want to say to everyone is this; I am not here to turn you into vegetarian,
but to turn you into HUMANITARIANS! We need some kindness for the animals which we eat. We need laws to protect their rights to be free from abuse. They deserve to live in comfort, to have the nutrition they need and to die painlessly. Would you not feel better knowing that the animal you're eating did not suffer to be on your plate, that it died peacefully and not in shock and pain?
If you knew the cruelty involved with killing animals for food you would be shocked.
What I have seen with my own eyes I will not relate to you because then those images will stick in your mind and haunt you. I do not wish upon anyone what I have witnessed because I live with the images of terrified animals tatooed on my mind
forever. I did not go searching to find these awful situations, I just stumbled upon them during my normal routes through the countryside. I wish I hadn't seen anything, BUT I DID and now I cannot forget it.
If ever I post something which is so horrific that something must be done about it, then I will warn you so that you may make a conscious choice whether you want to watch it or not.
If you do not believe matters are so bad for food animals then you should go to watch Paul McCartney's VDO at http://www.meat.org/ and see for yourself - you need to be brave though, it's not for the weak stomach. What you see is not filmed in Thailand, animals are abused all over the world, so do not feel bad because a 'farang' comes along and points out that it's happening here too. I just happen to be a 'farang' who lives here and cares about the animals around us. We owe a lot to the animals we've eaten because they have been forced to sacrifice their lives for our desires.
If you love your dog or cat, then you know it has an individual personality, no two dogs are the same even if they are the same breed. They are no different than people and all other mammals and birds that I've met. If you allow their lives to develop naturally in a safe environment you will discover that chickens, pigs, cows and buffalo all have character and intelligence. An animal which lives in fear of those around will suppress it's individuality so as not to cause attention to itself, therefore they herd together for safety.
I invite you to come to meet our lovely animals and let you get to know them.
You do not have to worry, no one will force you to give up your passions or judge you for your choices.
You will be the one who makes the decision what you want to do. However if want to keep on eating meat, then you more than anyone should insist on cruelty free farming,
so you can live your life with a clear conscience.
Today I end again with KARMA - you have to pay it off somehow -
so put your vote in for animal welfare laws to be implimented in Thailand,
sign up for a membership with Chumrom Baan Rak Sat and be counted when we
become the One Voice for Animals who cannot speak for themselves.
Until next time,
Big Hug Marianne and many friends, two-legged & four.
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