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Monday, March 12, 2012

Are You Happy? Happiness is the only thing that matters in life.

Happiness should be the goal for everything we do.
What purpose is more important than to be happy and share our happiness with others?
Happiness opens the doors for new opportunities & adventures,
to thrill your imagination and lift your life into higher octaves.
Your Life Can Be A Symphony!
Be grateful for what you have,
start Smiling and let your Passion For Life be your fuel.
Get yourself into FAST FORWARD - Smile, BE happy and you can go anywhere you want.
A happy person is always welcome anywhere.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Coming Golden Age

This is were Humanity is heading...... a new way of thinking,
whether we like it or not,
the Golden Age is coming..
the Earth has chosen to Ascend.

The consciousness of Earth is raising above the human turmoil of the 3rd realm of existence
(changing her face in the process)
in order to restore vital energies which have been depleted by ignorant inhabitants for the past 3600 years.

Old belief systems have only served to destroy Life on Earth.
Peace starts 'inside the mind'.
                        Change Your Mind and you can change the world.
 Freedom to jump 'out of the box' and into another realm of existence
can only come with an awareness of the Natural Laws of the Universe -
a dimension of thought where all life matters and has a right to exist. 
Unity Consciousness is the true law of the universe and the only sustainable system for Planet Earth.
2012 Abundant Life/transform