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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

BOVINE BUFFET - Far from Home.....


How sweet it is....
At first glance it just looks like a pile of cow food, but take a second look at all those 'orbs' floating around.

 even if it has to come from outer space!

Thank you to everyone who donated thru Harmony Fund USA -
A plantation has been located who will cut bananas for one month delivery.
That's 4 bunches per head a day,
just enough to keep their bowels going in-between
the dry food & straw.
We still go looking for some grass everyday so they have a little bit of  greenery.

 But we are 'Far from Home', we have cow food until 4th February.
 We need to raise funds for at least another months supply.
                                         DONATE PROTEIN FOR COWS

                                   Bananas - diuretic anti-depressant miracle food for cows.

Bernado enjoys his lunch - grass salad with water dressing!

Boy Boy can't get enough of this ....real food!

Bovine Buffet

I can't wait for dessert!
Brigitte, named after Madame Bardot, is putting on weight. She was born 2005 - the year Fondation Brigitte Bardot helped with emergency funding during flash floods in the aftermath of the Phuket tsunami when whole of North Thailand was under water for months.
Bonsai - also 2005 - was the last calf born at the sanctuary.
After that we found a vegetarian vet who sterilized all the bulls humanely.
They slept through the whole procedure.
I won't go into detail about how the villagers do it which was our previous option.

A friendly visitor Rene Wuite arrives to see if the cows need a hug.
Monty - self-appointed 'cow watch dog' makes sure Basil stays in line.

                           PLEASE KEEP IT COMING. THE COWS NEED YOU!

           USA tax free donations through Harmony Fund here: FEED THE COWS
           VISIT SANCTUARY - Donate PAYPAL email:

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Cows Going Bananas Over Food Relief

Cows watching their food being prepared, they don't miss a beat!

Thank You Harmony Fund USA for Quick Response with 10 days Emergency Relief of Protein Pellets for our Hungry Bovines.

     Thank you Joanne, Sharon & Colette for 10 days banana supply....yum yum......the cows love you!

Bumble Bee can't wait for her share.

Baloo can't keep his eyes off the food shed.

Why is it taking so long to wash a few bananas?

Gee, I thought she said the food was coming...?

Sorry folks, for some reason I can't upload any more images.
I will be back tomorrow with another update.

Just received message from Harmony Fund that donations have come in for another
two weeks supply. Thank you everyone for your kindness towards our hungry cows.
But we need to keep the supply coming out of the shed.
It would be a sad day if the cows watched the shed all day and nothing came out.
Come back later & see fat happy cows!


Sunday, January 20, 2013

World Compassion for Cows


25 Cattle - cows & sterilized bulls - rescued from slaughter & donated to Love Animal House by Buddhists who wanted to "tham boon" (make merit), are now suffering from acute constipation & malnutrition by being forced to exist on mainly straw & water for the last few months. They are so skinny you'll cry.

Actually they too are crying, crying for food. Crying for more love & attention.
In reality, the whole subject of "Compassion for Cows" is crying for attention.

The whole world has exploited this benevolent species and caused so much pain and suffering to their kind so should perhaps take notice when there is an occasion to thank these gentle beings for their enormous sacrifice to mankind. When there is a chance to save one, one should!
That is the least one can do.

                                       DONATE TO COWS

These cows, being ambassadors for their own species, have turned many human visitors into vegetarians after they received a love therapy lick 
over by Bumble Bee, Bernado & Bingo. 
'Submit to carrots or we'll lick you to death!'

                             Hey, get over here...... I need a hug!

As steak eaters we turn our faces away as their very existence, 
threatens our way of life and our taste for their flesh. 

You have to be brave to look them in the face.

                             Blessing waits for bananas.........

And faces they have, personalities too, some are grumpy if you don't talk to them, some are friendly and playful, some are angry (especially so if they've already seen the inside of a slaughterhouse), some are funny, 
some are sad, some are happy, some are curious.

Babi Dali patiently waits for food.

                          But mainly, now, they're all hungry, deeply.

                        Bobby completely lost his appetite for straw.

               Bibi experienced the slaughterhouse and doesn't trust people.

                                    Betty is pacing for food......

Cattle are as varied as dogs and are good listeners and observers.
I have told them, help is on the way, food is coming.

                            Boy Boy needs protein formula urgently.....

Although they have been fed green grass cut by 4 workers daily, it has not been enough to fill their large frames out.
Now the weather is dry & cold, grass is harder to find so it's less & less vitamins/protein for them.

I emailed a nearby elephant camp assuming a load of bananas would be
a drop in the ocean for them and a few donated to some hungry cows no big issue, but apparently they did not consider cows - who are supposed to be eaten anyway, important enough to help saving. 
I was hoping I could get immediate help for their severe constipation, 
so I dug into the dog food money to buy 350 bunches of bananas
which were delivered Thursday at a cost of $70. 
Several of the poor creatures had already stopping eating straw and the bananas have picked up their appetite a bit. 
Just wish there were more of them. I will try to contact other camps.

I have discovered the horrible truth that the herd has in fact have been slowly starving every day for the last months while we have been distracted by bringing the straw harvest home. Although it was only enough fodder for a month, it saved us $700 which is what we pay every month for delivery 
from a farmer.
There's not enough vitamins in their diet because of lack of green grass.
We can never cut enough and now there's none available as the landscape is scorched by the sun. Hot and dry.
There is also never any donations for the cows which are 100% supported from my monthly pension which covers 4 worker salaries, facilities & monthly straw bill. Only Best Friends Organisation USA and Fondation Brigitte Bardot have helped the cows in 2005 during flood/food crisis emergency.

Even though I had to dig into the dog & cat food money, I immediately got two days supply of pellets for dairy cattle rich in vitamins & protein. 
I can't see them suffer any longer.

As it was also a dry food and they are constipated, they slowly nibbled it all day yesterday and drank lots of water. By evening there were no more cries for food and they lay down to sleep for the first time in a week. 

 If anyone knows a CEO in a Thai animal feed company, perhaps they could be persuaded to donate food. 
I have tried through sales people and they look at me blankly!!! 
We also need donation for about 60 kilo of grated coconut to feed after the bananas to clear the intestines of harmful bacteria & parasites. This is effective natural treatment but grated coconut is expensive yet cheaper and healthier than if the vet comes to inject with IVO mec.

The people who left them with us to live out their lives naturally, did not leave any donations. They probably thought grass is free and cows take care of themselves. Nothing could be further from the truth. 
They need loving care as well as any pet.
The quality of their lives is entirely in our hands.
They deserve to be contented.

People who donate to the sanctuary direct it to cats & dogs, so the cow shelter has operated entirely on private support.
There simply is no budget for dry formula which they so desperately need during the dry season when there is no grass.

Emergency relief arrived from Harmony Fund USA - Friday evening, a cheaper dry food formula has been located, we have dry food for a week but more is needed until the rains start again in two months time. 

To help the cows survive through the dry season, USA tax-free donations 
can be made directly to Harmony Fund: DONATE TO COWS 
Donations can also be made here: 

PAYPAL email address: