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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Why Save Cows?

Humans do not have monopoly on Love. All living beings feel love for their young.
What moral right do we have to take a baby away from its mother?

Many people may ask; what is the point in saving cows?
You can't save them all.
Billions are slaughtered each year!

The point here is; Should they be?
It doesn't seem to be doing our bodies any good.

Nor the planet. Did you know that a 100 gram hamburger equals 4 sq. km of forest?
The Amazon is being felled to extinction to raise beef for hamburgers.
                                                                We are not amused!

In fact, bringing cattle to slaughter so that we may supply our bodies with protein
is bad economics! Not only is it destroying the planet, it also plays havoc with our health.
With the information available to us today, you could even say it is politically incorrect to eat meat.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel says it makes no sense to keep eating food that obviously makes us unhealthy and creates enormous medical bills for the government. If everyone actually ate food that was good for the human system there would be no need for health insurance. Our food is either our medicine
or our poison, depending on how aware we are about what we eat.
Meat is pumped full of antibiotics and preservatives which cause a host of health problems including toxic stomach, brain and blood parasites, which eventually destroy immune systems and cause enormous stress
on our internal organs and nerve systems.
Everything in this universe is energy. Meat holds the vibrational frequency of suffering, fear, terror and death.
Is this what you wish to resonate for yourself and your loved ones?

Cows can save the planet! Yes, it's true. This is no 'pie in the sky' but actual fact.
How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change:

Cows in Thailand wander around all over the place. Perhaps that's why the landscape is so lush.

                                                              COW DUNG AWARD
Two students win Top Science Prize for turning fermented cow dung into air freshener.

Carnivorism is Specism!
Although racism still exists most educated people agree its a thing of the past,
yet - we still haven't recognised, that we're still doing it.
As humans we think we're superior to other lifeforms and that some beings are more inferior than others.
                                   WHY WE LOVE DOGS, EAT PIGS AND WEAR COWS

                                                        Why does this look disturbing?
Why is it okay to eat some animals and not others?
Does this little lamb look delicious or adorable?

Why would you rather eat this than a dog or a cat?
(Don't answer this if you're Chinese or Korean)

That's right - if you really want to run with the bulls, try being one of them
and see how much fun it is.

Walking with my beloved cows.
Although there was a time when my sanity was questioned for keeping cows because they were given to me by devout Buddhists who wanted to save their lives, I now can say FINALLY - it is those who do not keep a cow who should be questioned, as they are worth their weight in gold.
Every house should have a cow - it is the way to self sufficiency and freedom from hunger.
Although presently our 25 cows are costing us a fortune
once we have re-built our animal shelter on our own 3 acre land
as well as fertilizer, the cow dung can be turned into GAS - then electricity, which in turn can run the generators to pump rain water to the vegetable gardens - peanuts, fruit trees, bananas, corn and 
which will not only feed the cows, but supply food for the other animals and humans as well.
The cows will turn into a great investment in the sanctuary's future.
Cows = Free Energy
Your donation, however small becomes a seed which turns into a mighty tree.
Love Animal House Paypal  email:


  1. :( I took offense when it said "Don't answer this if you are Chinese or Korean." You might want to change the wording on that to "Don't answer this if you are a person who likes to eat dogs or cats" or just omit it entirely. You mention not being racist towards animals and then you make a racist comment.. sending mixed messages there! Just trying to help your argument. You lose a lot of reliability by contradicting yourself. (Eating dog or the meat of what U.S. citizens consider a pet is also not restricted to the Chinese and Korean cultures. Guinea pigs are a common delicacy in Peru, for example. Much more common and even celebrated than dog or cat being eaten in Korea and yet for some reason it doesn't cause quite an uproar.)

  2. You are absolutely right of course, however as someone who is constantly signing petitions to stop the cat & dog meat trade after seeing horrendous VDO's of the cruelty & torture of the animals in Korea & China, not to forget the fur business & skinning animals alive, I have come to assume that these two countries & their people do not give a hoot about animal suffering. They have earned a bad reputation.
